Contractor Induction Online Training Programs
ore and more organisations have complex interdependent relationships with their clients, contractors and sub contractors. The need to give access to specialised contractors on your own premises or your clients site is a day-to-day necessity. The locations can be as diverse as a manufacturing line, a data centre, a plant room, an isolated substation, windfarm or pipeline. Ensuring that the contractors you employ have the proper site induction completed is of the highest importance. It is however a very time consuming, resource heavy and costly process.
Our contractor induction programmes are built specifically for your needs. They are the most cost effective way to manage the training and compliance objectives for your contractors.
Dillon productions are at the forefront of producing customised contractor induction training programmes. Filming on your site we bring the contractor policy and procedures to life in a highly engaging and effective manner. The typical elements will include an introduction and cover areas like legislation, security, site rules, access, emergencies, roles and responsibilities, health & safety, permits, hazards and many more. Each company has a standard set of criteria plus site-specific information that must be communicated.
The contractor will complete the induction programme on-line. You can build in must-pass assessments and certifications of completion. Safeguards to identity individuals are also agreed in advance. The induction programmes can be hosted on The Dillon Academy or on your LMS.
Some of the notable programmes we have produced include the ESB Wind Farm estate and the ABB East-West Electricity Connector linking Ireland and Wales. In both cases, the sites are isolated where access is required by a variety of specialised contractors 24 hours a day. Site access is only allowed when the contractor induction training is completed and proof of completion provided.
We would be delighted to provide you with a demo of the courses we have produced. Please contact us directly on 01 298 0736 or email for more information on our contractor induction online programs.